Time to plan

 The last few months of 2015 were slightly hectic with Christmas, waitressing and making crafty things to sell, I didn’t really have any time to do anything else. While unfortunately still working as a waitress, in my free time the begining of this year has been focused on the projects that I want to make. I feel now that I have recharged my creative batteries I can start on my business venture once again (I cannot handle being a waitress over the Christmas period any longer!!!) As of today, I am going to get my head down and focus fully on doing what I love and hopefully being able to turn it into a business that will grow successfully. I first need to decide what direction I want to travel in because I have so many different craft ideas going on in my head, too many to even think about. I’m going to write on here a lot more frequently to let my ideas become a story which I can look back on, well that’s the plan anyway, it didn’t quite happen last time. This year is going to be a lot of hard work and persistance but hopefully it’ll all pay off.

here are a few of the things that I’ve been making to get back into the creative spirit…

You will be hearing from me again very soon.



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